Crane Media Telemetry
Crane's Navigator telemetry device is the heart of the Get Connected program, providing the online connectivity required. It is integrated into every Media machine at no additional cost, as is the Currenza credit-card swipe. Navigator enables cellular airtime, cashless transaction capabilities, remote DEX delivery, MDB and over-the-air alerts, improved accuracy in prekitting and dynamic scheduling and over-the-air updates. Navigator also allows for modular upgrades, swap-outs and feature additions in the future, such as other touchscreen devices, cameras and new cashless bezels.
Crane Navigator, vending machine telemeter The telemetry device's memory offers large storage capacity for future needs like video content, product images and nutritional information. It also gives the operator the choice of cellular carrier. The same systems that power Navigator drive all Media's online features, including cashless transactions, remote machine management, nutritional content display, near-real-time data transfer to VendMax or other vending management systems, and real-time alerts.
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